#110 Building a sustainable brewery

When it comes to the world of brewing, sustainable can no longer be just a buzzword or a box-ticking exercise.

And at Bristol-based Wiper and True, they are constantly working to become the most sustainable brewery they possibly can be.

As they admit, it’s no secret that brewing uses a lot of energy and creates a significant amount of by-products.

So they are one outfit that want their overall impact on the planet to be a positive one, so in the day-to-day running of our business, they are always focused on tackling the biggest environmental impacts that our brewery is making, whether that be our energy demand, efficiency savings, waste products or ingredient sourcing.

In doing so, they hope that in talking transparently about what they’re up to and where we are succeeding in our sustainability goals – as well as where we can make improvements – they will encourage other individuals and businesses to think about their impact on the planet, and what all breweries can all do to lessen that impact.

And working for Wiper and True for 9 years is Joe Watts His role as Operations and Sustainability Manager has given new impetus to focus on implementing sustainability projects, and he has given his ‘green’ slant on a multitude of operational system in the brewery.

In this podcast, recorded live at their brewery in Bristol, he explains how they’re doing just that…