#117 Sustainability made easy

Chris Lewington is on a mission at Brew Resourceful, and that’s to make the world of craft brewing more resourceful. 

​He has spent more than a decade in some of the UK’s top craft breweries, and he’s been exposed to the industry’s best and helped some of the future best on their journeys. Individually, the elements of resourcefulness have always been the focus of his brewing life but in the last few years he saw how all the elements can combine under this same header.

We should make being resourceful one of our top priorities, it helps reduce our industries carbon footprint, keep businesses financially healthy and stimulate our industries minds. 

​This is exactly why he wanted to bring the topic of resourcefulness to the forefront of our discussions. He wants it to be talked at every conference, dinner, journal article, chat around the brewery & podcasts. 

​With that in mind, we recently invited him to speak in Newcastle to outline the basics of sustainability. He explained how none of us are perfect but we should challenge our suppliers, challenge ourselves and also focus on what we can control.