Powder Monkey Group Limited (PMG), owners of Gosport based Powder Monkey Brewing Co and Powder Monkey Tap House are delighted to announce the successful conclusion of a share placement for over £750,000.
The funds were invested by friends and family of the Brewing Group to fund further expansion and meet consumer demand.
Andy Burdon, CEO of PMG commented: “From the moment we opened our facilities in Priddy’s Hard, Gosport in 2021, Powder Monkey beer has been flowing for a wide range of customers, has won several SIBA awards nationally and continues to be the backbone of the offerings in the Tap House. We need to significantly increase capacity to meet the growing number of enquiries both nationally and latterly from international customers. That property search is underway now”
Head Brewer since inception, Mark Hamblin was selected as runner up young Brewer of the Year in the Brewery’s first full year, a feat he seeks to improve upon this year having received nominations for the award a second time.
In addition to the fund raise, PMG have acquired the Southern Highlands Brewing Co (SHBC) based South-West of Sydney in New South Wales, Australia. This all-paper transaction will give PMG the opportunity to not only brew for the Australian market but will take advantage of the proximity to South-East Asia utilising existing export licences.
Ben Twomey, founder and owner of the 8 year old brewery commented: “This is a perfect deal for SHBC, a merger of two fast growing, award winning businesses either side of the world. It allows for the best of both to be combined and grow in both capacity levels and of course access additional markets.
“Key to this growth will be the ability to move the Brewery and access the profitable retail market in one of the fastest growing areas in Australia in South Western Sydney as Powder Monkey Taphouse Australia. We are looking forward to seeing our Aussie beers brewed in the UK too. Very exciting times”
The Chairman of PMG, Mike McGeever added: “This is a momentous day for Powder Monkey, Gosport and our shareholders. It has been overwhelming the interest shown by individuals in wanting to be part of the future.
“The group will now grow to both meet the anticipated demands of our customers and take with us owners who are fully committed in the pursuit of that growth. In particular I would like to express my gratitude to the people of Hampshire who have gotten behind the brewery initially.
“I also want to thank Ben and Andy and all the teams involved in both organisations for giving us the opportunity to establish the Powder Monkey Group brand internationally and be well positioned to take our fair share of a combined UK ad Australian market worth over £25bn.”