Stroud Brewery puts responsibly farmed beer in spotlight with rebrand

Stroud Brewery, the organic and B Corp certified business, has revamped its brand and packaging to better tell its great tasting, ethical story.

“The post COVID consumer is a more ethically minded and environmentally aware consumer” said Stroud Brewery founder, Greg Pilley, “research shows that people are scrutinising the brands they associate themselves with and with sales of organic produce on the rise, we realised it was time we spoke more confidently about our uncompromising values as well as our great tasting organic beer!”

Pilley, an adventurer and an environmentalist, established Stroud Brewery back in 2006, following a career spent understanding how food and drink is fundamental to global community cultures and how farming methods can either benefit the environment or seriously degenerate it.

His love of beer is the reason he set up his brewery, but it is his moral compass that set the standard for decision making.

“With everything we do we look for the opportunity to regenerate rather than degenerate,” he said, “we started with soil because if we continue to use non organic farming methods, our soils won’t be capable of feeding us in 60 years’ time; whereas by using organic methods, we work with nature to improve soils, sequester carbon, increase wildlife and produce ingredients as they should be.”

The new brand image carries a core message calling people to ‘drink responsibly farmed beer’ and opens conversations about why ‘change is brewing’ illustrating how a regenerative approach to people and planet equals better business and even better beer.”

But what about the beer? Stroud Brewery consider their beer ‘substance over style’, pairing their high regard for the UK’s remarkable beer heritage with their ‘and then some’ attitude. 

“We always look to add a unique and complimentary Stroud Brewery flourish to our beer,” comments head brewer, Ben Jennison-Phillips, “we call it ‘and then some,’ we place an extremely high value on our locally grown, organic and hand malted barley it is the backbone of our beer; and with our extensive knowledge and relationships with organic hop producers we’ve become known for the characterful flavours and aromas we consistently deliver.”