Brewers Choice Awards 2024 – Shortlist Announced!

The shortlist for the 2024 Brewers Choice Awards, organised by team behind The Brewers Journal, has been announced.

Judges from across the brewing spectrum once again converged on The Red Lion in Barnes, London, to debate and discuss the wealth of excellent entries submitted for the 2024 iteration of The Brewers Choice Awards. The winners of which, will be crowned in London this September with tickets available here.

The categories up for discussion were Young Brewer of The Year, Brewer of The Year, New Brewery of The Year, Brewery of The Year, New Beer of The Year, Beer of The Year, Branding of The Year, Sustainability Champion, Lifetime Achievement and Global Ambassador.

This year’s submissions were judged by a wealth of talent that included decorated author Melissa Cole, renowned brewer and managing director Jenn Merrick, Lotte Peplow, the craft beer ambassador in Europe for the Brewers Association, and Paul Davies, founder of the award-winning AleHunters Brewery Tours.

Also on the panel were freelance beverage and hospitality consultant Sean Robertson, the regarded pub landlord and champion of the on-trade Roger Molyneux, Brew Resourceful founder Chris Lewington, and Natalya Watson WSET’s Business Development Manager – Beer and Beer Educator. Tim Sheahan, editor of The Brewers Journal was also part of the judging.

Brewers Choice Awards | The Shortlist

Young Brewer of The YearSupported by Totally Natural Solutions

Imogen Beedham – Fell Brewery

Simon Perrett – King Street Brew House

Patrick Smith – Campervan Brewery

Brewer of The Year – Supported by SSV LTD

Brian Dickson – Northern Monk

Jim Rangeley – Abbeydale Brewery

Alex Redpath – Full Circle Brew Co

New Brewery of The YearSupported by HIT Training

Bluntrock Brewery

Great Beyond Brewing Co

Indie Rabble

Brewery of The Year – Supported by Lallemand and Loughran Brewers Select

Full Circle Brew Co

Lost and Grounded Brewers

Northern Monk

Wiper and True

New Beer of The Year 

Great Beyond Brewing Co – PB&J Sour

Moonwake – Leith Helles

Thornbridge – Fonio

Beer of The Year – Supported by Barth Haas

Duration Brewing – Good Times

Full Circle Brew Co – Looper

Great Beyond Brewing Co – Hoxton Fresh

Branding of The Year 

Abbeydale Brewery

St Austell – Proper Job

Vale Brewery

Sustainability Champion – Supported by CleanEarth Energy

Fell Brewery

Lost and Grounded Brewers

Wiper and True

Global Ambassador – Supported by Kegstar

The Roger Ryman Lifetime Achievement Award  Supported by Konvoy


Tim Sheahan, global editor of The Brewers Journal, said: “It is always a privilege and an honour to help judge the amazing work taking place in the brewing industry. It was a joy to share a room with so many regarded and respected figures. The calibre of the submissions was incredibly high and it was great to see the number of entries increase year-on-year.

“I would like to thank everyone that entered and a huge well done to everyone that has made the shortlist this year. We look forward to announcing the winners, alongside the recipients of the Roger Ryman Lifetime Achievement and Global Ambassador awards, at our 2024 Brewers Choice Awards dinner in London this September. Hopefully you’ll join us there.

“Special thanks to our sponsors and also to Angus, Clare and the team at The Red Lion in Barnes for expertly hosting our judging session.”

The winners of the 2024 Brewers Choice Awards will be announced at the Brewers Choice Awards taking place on the evening of the first day of the Brewers Congress (23rd September) in London.

For full information and tickets, please click here