Industry bodies react to Labour election win

Leading brewing and hospitality bodies have “welcomed” the new government.

The Society of Independent Brewers and Associates (SIBA), said it welcomed the new Government following a decisive win for Keir Starmer’s Labour Party.

Andy Slee, SIBA chief executive, said: “The people of the UK have clearly spoken for the need for change. SIBA stands ready, and looks forward to working with the new Government in Westminster and across the U.K. in helping independent brewers be a part of their plans for sustainable economic growth.

Independent breweries are a hugely valued force for good in local communities and right now, more than ever, need support to compete against the  Global beer giants that control the market, as well a tax system which sets a level playing field for pub and brewing businesses to grow.”

Emma McClarkin CEO of the BBPA added: “The British Beer and Pub Association warmly welcomes the formation of the new government.

“We have long worked with the Labour Party as they have developed their plans for supporting the British pub and brewing industry, and are encouraged by the enthusiasm Keir Starmer and his cabinet have shown in recognising its importance to communities up and down the country.

“It is imperative for any government to provide a sustainable and proportionate fiscal and regulatory framework that allows the sector to thrive. It must now cut beer duty and urgently reform business rates for the sector.

“We encourage all MPs to reward themselves with a well earned pint or two in their local this weekend, and to get to know their landlords and brewers.”

Photography: UK GOV website