Lallemand launches yeast for low-alcohol brewing

Lallemand has launched a new Saccharomyces cerevisiae hybrid yeast that offers a “game-changing solution” for no-and-low alcohol brewing.

LalBrew LoNa is a maltose-negative hybrid strain that has been selected to have ideal characteristics for the production of low and non-alcoholic beers.

Advanced classical and non-GMO breeding methods were used to select a strain that does not consume maltose or maltotriose, resulting in very low attenuation.

LalBrew LoNa is the first maltose-negative Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain specifically selected for beer fermentations.

As a S. cerevisiae strain, the company said it performs like an ale producing a clean and neutral aroma profile, no phenolic flavors, and significantly reducing aldehydes that cause worty flavours.

Additionally, the patented technology from the University of California Davis (USA) ensures that the strain will not produce sulfurous off-flavours, allowing the malt and hop flavours to shine through.