But while the tank bar concept takes considerable investment, O’Rourke points out that there is a great deal of names around the beer industry that aren’t making the most of what they have.
“It’s frustrating because making beer is a relatively easy process and making really great beer is difficult, but making a product that has alcohol in and is drinkable is one thing. But I’ve seen a great deal of people that underutilise the space they have, which is a shame. There is so much potential just being wasted.”
But while others may be resting on their laurels, Howling Hops in 2015 is a different beast to the one that stared in that small room under a pub three years ago, but it’s qualities have remained the same.
“One friend said the setup we have here, with long benches and groups of people interacting with each other is just like a school trip where you end up mingling with people you know, and people you don’t,” explains O’Rourke. “I prefer to think of like a classic German beer hall, but if people are enjoying themselves in a place that we have put together, with the beers we are brewing, then that’s all that matters.”
It’s hard to argue otherwise.