Some brewers may decide that with new craft breweries opening at a rate of two to three a week that now’s the time to try something a little different and try to find a way to stand out from the crowd.
The Centre for Excellence at Muntons, which is a 100 litre microbrewery is open to brewers who want to come and experiment, or try something new perhaps even take part in some of the trials that will be undertaken using spring barley.
In March this year we picked up the title of ‘Maltster of the year’ at the first ever Brewing Supply Awards competition, organised by RMI and presented at the biennial World Barley Malt & Beer Conference in Dublin.
This is a global award recognising business success in the brewing supply industry. Other winners that we have seen throughout the year include a number of SIBA winning beers made using Muntons Malt, the most recent being the Champion Beer of Britain won by the Tiny Rebel Brewery for their ‘CWTCH’ ale.
About Muntons
Muntons Malt is a division within Muntons plc currently selling over 180,000 tonnes of malt annually to the world’s brewing, distilling and food industries.
One of five major maltsters located in the UK, Muntons are a family owned, independent company. Our two maltings, located in the prime malting barley growing areas of the UK enable us to buy our barley from local suppliers within a 50 mile radius of our maltings.
Today Muntons plc has two operating divisions: Muntons Malt specialises in serving the brewing and distilling industries whilst Muntons Ingredients is focused on supplying added value malt products to the food and beverage industries worldwide.
For more information regarding Muntons Malt for brewing and distilling visit our website:
muntonsmalt.com or email sales@muntons.com
If you would like to arrange a brew at our Centre for Excellence, please visit our website
muntons-centreforexcellence.com or email centreforexcellence@muntons.com